Released singles. Maybe they will find the way to a album...

Raw Resistance
Måneskin, måneskin
Du som altid for mig til at tænke
Over livet og dens formål
Du skinner så smukt, så stærkt
Ikke et øjeblik viser du svaghed....

In 2010, I thought how my new album should shape up. I've been playing a lot with my new super synthesizer virus TI and this album ended being more trance and energy trance / house. It fascinates me.

Quiet Moments
Since the mid '90s, I have composed in many different genres. My albums to date consists a mix of many genres. It is the first time I publish a compilation album focusing on only one particular area - namely, ambient, chillout.

Rise from the Shadows
Super crisp and well lubricated EP is now ready to be played - as many times as you want ...

Cultural Divide
Albummet “Cultural Divide” er symbiose af 2 af mine verdener. Den indeholder en europæisk side og en oriential etnisk side. Jeg har forsøgt med dette album at viske grænserne væk mellem dem for at skabe en hybrid.

Bending the Clockwork Universe
Vejen peger mod en mystisk passage. Jeg bliver fristet til at fortsætte. Gad vide om jeg skal fortsætte? Kan det virkelig passe at det kan ændre min tilværelse? Tør jeg?

New versions with a touch of me and vocals from other great artists...

The place to experiment. The place for new stuff, before it's released..